Like any average woman, I'm an avid shopper and I love a good bargain. Often, though, I end up spending more for less and feeling cheated. Sometimes, what I buy doesn't satisfy, its poor quality puts me off completely. Colors run, the dress doesn't fit as it did on the mannequin, etc, etc etc.
So I now look forward to jumble sales. Secondhand products aka pre-loved aka 'used' are what make my world complete besides satisfying that feminine gene to shop till I drop.
At a jumble sale, I look for things I don't find at regular stores - a wooden ladle at quarter the price, some Tupperware at half the rate, a springform baking dish that I know I'm going to enjoy making cheesecakes in.
And then there are things that never crossed my mind but catch my eye, like the magazine holder to hang on my wall or the books that look brand new that I know I could gift some child on his or her birthday.
Well, the beauty of the sale lies in two plus points + an added bonus. Here they are in a nutshell:
★Jumble sales are great places to offload unwanted clutter that cramp up our lives (Now that I'm into the minimalist mood, this is so much a blessing for me).
★ They are also opportunities to introduce new ideas and items into our lives that were dreams of the past, unfulfilled, but now could drive us to newer lifestyles. (My teacups and saucers come to mind; just seeing those dainty dozen on the shelf sparks joy).
And an added bonus - you get to support a social cause. You not only are helping some fund raising group finance their projects but indirectly helping Mother Earth by using up the junk in other people's lives. Their trash, your treasure.
Even if you do feel a bit guilty splurging at a jumble sale, you won't feel so bad, knowing that your money is not going into some Richie Rich's pockets but will be used to improve the life of a Gloria.
It's a win-win situation all the way.
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