They scream at you from all sides. Those 'FREE' signs. They psyche you into thinking you are a victor when you could easily become the victim. Buy _____Get ____ FREE. That's the tagline I love the most. 

And now there's a mutant. Online shoppers, beware! Its called BUY MORE, SAVE MORE! Under this bait, you are compelled to see if you 'need' another item in their shop and add it to your purchases and they will give the incentive. Normally its cashback so you can only use it to buy MORE STUFF later on. 

I think its necessary to be aware that whenever you are purchasing a food item for example, that you check the UNIT PRICE. And to check all dealers selling the product and compare unit prices before you ADD TO CART. 

Whenever I went to Big Bazaar, I would always compare the price for a particular item, say Liril Soap, with the price on Amazon and only if the unit price was cheaper or the same at Big Bazaar, then I would purchase it. Btw, BB usually lost on this score. 

 Another pitfall I fall for is FREE SHIPPING. I even subscribed to AMAZON PRIME one year till I realized that I was paying more money than I normally would. Amazon Pantry has a ceiling of Rs 799, some items a ceiling of Rs 499 to avail this so it puts pressure on you to buy more than you need at that moment. For example, recently, I added a packet of Saffola oats (which I didn't need urgently as I had already purchased just a week before) to the Pantry items just to cross the ceiling and get FREE SHIPPING. 

Another online bait are all those REWARD schemes they throw at you like darts. Every month we recharge our mobile net using the offer and get some cashback. And quite often they slip in the clincher. The 'Buy Rs. 500 worth of goods and get Rs 50 cashback' one. And they give you a ridiculously small window to do the purchase. I fall for this one every time. 

Nowadays, I line up my items beforehand in SAVE FOR LATER - I'm too lazy to add to WISHLIST. I then will check unit prices and 'Add To Cart' only if its worth the price. Rarely, but miraculously, there will also be a discount coupon. That makes me smile! 


Last year, I decided not to shop online so I only did my recharge and paid my electricity bill using UPI. They gave me cashback for each transaction which I accumulated. Since we were in lockdown and Big Bazaar was shut, I couldn't use my debit card reward points so I decided to redeem them online. The wearables were horribly priced but there was just one ray of hope. The AMAZON PAY Gift Card. Hurrah! I had found the perfect way to redeem my points. Now I could add this money to my Amazon Pay balance and use it for anything I needed including paying for my recharge and bill. Did I use it? NO. 

Look at the devious nature of the schemes, friends. If you want cashback, you have to use Amazon Pay UPI. They want you to use the UPI portal. It stands to reason that they must be getting a lot of benefits from us using it while we get the peanuts they throw at us in the form of CASHBACK. 

Why do we have this FREE mentality, I ask myself. The answer is really simple. Because we are all TAKERS by nature. We love exploiting systems. We delight in making a fast buck, striking a great deal. That is why our countrymen endorse bribery. We haggle because we LOVE to haggle. Its a sport with us Indians. We will sometimes walk a mile just to get something a little cheaper. 

But more often than not we get scammed. Sometimes horribly. I have watched videos of testimonials where people have been royally ripped off by conmen using online pay portals like Google Pay, etc.  

So, it seems prudent to FREE ourselves from this mentality and become GIVERS instead. How can we become givers?

By practising GENEROSITY daily. Yes, DAILY. A vlog I watched recently was presented by a man who had become a monk for two months to train his mind to lead a simple lifestyle. Among his many videos, he gave a simple alternative to GREED. He advocated the practice of generosity. I will link that video below. 

So practising daily GIVING is not easy but it is life-changing if you do it. Whom can I be generous towards? And with what? 

Do watch the video and answer these two questions for yourself. FREE yourself from covetousness and greed. And do pray for me to do the same. SHALOM. 



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