T he first baby step you are asked to take in the FLYLADY method is to SHINE YOUR SINK. When I first heard it, I was wondering why shining the sink was pivotal to keeping my home tidy. But, I decided to OBEY. Every night, before I reset the kitchen, I would wash up all the utensils and shine the sink. In one article, someone said to wipe it down after shining it. So I added that to the routine. In the morning, the first thing I got to see was that SHINY SINK! Guess how that made me feel? It made me HAPPY. You see now why the FLYLADY asks to start with that baby step. FLYLADY Marla shared the reason for choosing this particular task to begin the baby steps. She was a slob so her sink was always piled high with dirty dishes. Her husband threw her a challenge. "Darling," he said, "if you will keep one half of the sink shiny always, I promise to bring you a cup of hot coffee every single morning!" Well, our fiesty FLYLADY took up the challenge and...