
Showing posts from December, 2023

How to Upgrade Your Lifestyle Without Spending an Extra Penny

How to Upgrade Your Lifestyle Without Spending an Extra Penny by Joshua Becker Fifteen years ago, in Vermont, I discovered minimalism. While cleaning a garage full of clutter, my neighbor changed my life with a couple of sentences. She said, “That’s why my daughter is a minimalist. She keeps telling me I don’t need to own all this stuff.” The scene that played out in front of me changed my life. My garage, full of dirty clutter, had taken up hours of my morning, while my 5-year old son played alone on the swing-set in the backyard. I realized the need for change. All the things I owned were not contributing to a better life. Even worse, they were keeping me from it. My wife and I, along with our two young kids, embarked on a journey to remove all the unnecessary possessions from our home and life. And with it,  came countless benefits. Real things like:  more money , more time,  more focus , and  less stress . One of the most surprising benefits I discovered along t...