These past months, I have been busy packing to move to our new home. Since I cannot take a lot of stress, I decided to do my packing in stages. Right at the beginning, about two months back when renovation work was underway, I went through all the stuff I had in my drawers, cupboards, etc that I didn't think I would need for the next two months. I call them my RARELY USED ITEMS. I was able to purge quite a lot of stuff from this category very easily as I wasn't in love with them, didn't really see much use for them and knew that I wouldn't miss them. I had to find new homes for some of them too. So it was good that I started early. There were quite a number of things, however, that I didn't use but had sentimental attachment to. I put these in a separate box to decide later about. In one box, I put all my replacement items - duplicate things that I might need if what I used presently broke. And so I managed to par down my possessions quite a bit. I felt rel...