Many people ask me how minimalist living has changed the way I see the world. COME, JOIN ME ON THE JOURNEY! THE BEGINNING My minimalist journey started five years ago when my third son, Nathan, was preparing to leave for the first time to Brazil and I had to pack his suitcases. I happened to chance upon the KONMARI method at that time and applied her folding techniques effectively to his clothes. I bought her book and although, being Catholic, I couldn't brings myself to 'thank the items' I was donating or trashing, I found that as the spaces began clearing up, my stress levels started going down. And for that I thanked the Lord. Next, a friend, seeing my posts about Konmari on Facebook, sent me information about PROJECT 333 . I was immediately drawn to it. I have successfully managed to hold onto clothes that are just enough to fill one carry-all suitcase. I do have extras stored in a box but only as replacement for the ones I presently use. This box is ...